Episode 10

Published on:

22nd May 2024

Rewire Your Money Mindset for Epic Earnings with Emilie Nutley

Are you letting your money mindset block your path to success? In today's podcast episode, I sat down with the fabulous Money Coach - Emilie Nutley and we dive deep into the world of wealth and money mindset. We tackle the big questions: How do your beliefs about money shape your business? Can you really attract dreamy clients if your financial confidence is shaky?

Emilie spilled the beans on transforming from a self-confessed spender to a savvy money coach. She'll guide you through practical steps to fix your money mindset, align your finances with your goals, and I'll share some personal insights that could be the key to unlocking your earning potential. Get ready for an eye-opening discussion filled with actionable tips, including writing powerful letters to money itself! Plus, Emilie's upcoming Cash Flow Confident program might just be what you need to unfu*k your finances for good. Tune in now, and let's shift your money mindset from doubtful to dynamite!

More about Emilie Nutley:

Emilie Nutley is a Money Coach working with female professionals and business owners and empowers them to take charge of their own financial future and build generational wealth. Having been in the financial education space for three years, Emilie realised there was more to simply teaching people how to budget and found that the real key to building wealth is through healing your relationship with money. Emilie combines financial strategy with money mindset work, using a trauma-informed approach to help you finally feel good about money. You can follow her on Instagram, @emilienutley and listen to her podcast Good Money Vibes."

Topics covered on Money Mindset:

  1. How might your money mindset be blocking you from attracting dream clients?
  2. Why is understanding your relationship with money more important than just budgeting?
  3. What does being financially avoidant look like, and what impact does it have on your business?
  4. What are the steps to repair your money mindset and align it with your business goals?
  5. How do your childhood experiences shape your current financial behaviours and decisions?
  6. Practical exercises you can do to challenge and change your limiting money beliefs.
  7. Strategies that will help you manage your business income and personal spending effectively.
  8. How can Emilie's upcoming programmes help you take control of your finances and grow your wealth?

Connect with Leanne Sia:

Connect with Emilie Nutley:


"Having less money doesn't help anyone, so charge appropriately." - Emilie Nutley


[00:00:24] Leanne: Welcome to this week's podcast. We are going to be diving deep into money [00:00:30] mindset, because what I'm hearing from so many of you is that your money mindset is not tip top, and you might have done a little bit of work on money mindset. But it could be that one thing that is cock blocking you from bringing dreamy clients into your orbit.


[00:01:10] Leanne: Emily combines a financial strategy with money mindset work and uses a trauma informed approach to help you finally feel good about money. Emily, darling, welcome to the podcast. Miss Emily Nutley. I'm so excited that you are on the podcast today. You are my all time favorite money coach and one of my [00:01:30] most favorite humans on the planet who wears the best clothes.


[00:01:36] Leanne: be a famous human.


[00:01:40] Leanne: excited to be here. Today we're going to be chatting all about unfucking. Our money mindsets, because you and I both know that if your money mindset is fucked, you're going to really find it hard to get traction in your business.


[00:02:07] Emilie Nutley: Yeah. There's so much that goes on behind the scenes that we just don't We don't think of, or we're not aware of, like we have no education around, like we're very much taught that money is like a numerical thing and like, you know, it's all related to what is in your bank account [00:02:30] and actually there's so much that goes on in your brain behind every single financial decision.


[00:03:03] Leanne: Hell yes. Hell yes to that.


[00:03:13] Emilie Nutley: Yeah, I think actually going back to when we first spoke about money mindset, you know, you said, Oh, well, yeah, I've done that stuff in the past.


[00:03:39] Emilie Nutley: But usually just reading a little bit more into that, even though it feels like there isn't like this deep, dark story around money, there's usually something there that is. Potentially hindering your process or stopping you from being rich AF.


[00:04:02] Leanne: And I always stumbled when, with that question, like, what did your parents say about money? And I know a lot of people like, Oh, my parents said money doesn't grow on trees or you've got to work hard for your money. I got stuck with that question because. My mom, I'm from a single parent family. My mom, money just wasn't a thing.


[00:04:42] Leanne: Yes, I've had huge success in my business, but I definitely, like we could always go at the next level. Right. And I feel like I didn't know what was going on with my money mindset until I spoke to you. And you were like, Do you want to say the exact words, Emily? I


[00:05:12] Leanne: Yes, and that was me. I was financially avoidant and I don't think that many people are talking about that. Can you talk through what being a financially avoidant person might look like?


[00:05:38] Emilie Nutley: So not looking at bank statements, credit card statements, not looking at bills or like maybe you track your finances but it's very much at like a glance just to make sure that there's like enough to cover the bills and not much planning. Beyond that, very much like the less I look at [00:06:00] money, the better and the safer I am.


[00:06:09] Leanne: I used to treat my bank balance like looking on the scales, weighing scales, like I don't have any scales in my house because whenever I would look at them, I just, I mean, I don't have issues with size at all.


[00:06:46] Leanne: Because you've signed like five or six clients. And I was like, Shit, I don't know. And then when I tottered it up, it was 14K that I generated in sales. And I had no idea, in my brain, it could [00:07:00] have been two. Do you know what I mean? I just had no idea that it was that amount until my coach was like, Leanne, have you hit 10K yet?


[00:07:32] Emilie Nutley: A lot of it also comes down to The, this narrative of money being all about numbers, so it almost feels like in my head, because obviously you must know how much you charge for your services, and then you also know how many people you signed, so I think for many people listening, it might be like, well, I can just do quick maths and work out how much I've done, but actually, Because so many of us tie money into numbers and maybe, I mean, I don't [00:08:00] actually know about this for you, but definitely I was in like, bottom set maths.


[00:08:35] Emilie Nutley: I charge for my services and I know how many people I've signed, but I don't actually, I don't actually want to work it out because like you say, like there's that fear around money and actually not knowing is safer.


[00:08:53] Leanne: Have you always been like tip top money mindset or have you had to learn this yourself?


[00:09:16] Emilie Nutley: So that was very much how I was in my early, yeah, the early 20s living my best life and Yeah, I mean I grew up with not a [00:09:30] lot of money similar to you. So Single parent household we lived off benefits. We lived in a council estate what little money came in Went back out again, which is an important thing to note because I then went throughout my life and I went to uni and I had a very clear career path in technical theatre, working my way up the career ladder.


[00:10:18] Emilie Nutley: And I was paid weekly. I was paid on a Friday and by Wednesday, the next week I was, I had no money. So even though I was being paid anything from 500 to [00:10:30] 900 a week, that was gone within a few days. I had no rent, I lived on tour, I had almost no bills and that money just poof. And to this day, I cannot tell you where that money went and it wasn't until later on when I kind of ended up having to settle, well not having to settle down, but I chose to settle down and realize that, okay, actually, if I don't keep on top of [00:11:00] my spending, then I'm going to be in deep trouble.


[00:11:25] Emilie Nutley: That's why I do what I do today. I just went all in on, I [00:11:30] need to understand how I got here. Like how I got to this point. Where I'm spending all my money on absolutely nothing. And yeah, when I came back and I thought about my upbringing and even though money wasn't talked about very much, the kind of like money doesn't grow on trees, also the kind of, because we were, I guess, poor, the idea that, you know, more money was greedy, like people with more money are selfish.


[00:12:15] Emilie Nutley: So yeah, that was my, uh, my catalyst for starting all of this.


[00:12:28] Emilie Nutley: Yeah, I mean it was that [00:12:30] realization of like if I don't fix this Then I mean this is just the second credit card that I'm applying for and obviously I could see the credit limit I was gonna get and how I was spending And even in the credit application, I was thinking I'm going to max this out in like two, three months.


[00:12:54] Leanne: So Emily, tell me how money mindset can really affect. Your [00:13:00] ability to have the business that you want to have.


[00:13:11] Emilie Nutley: And I think we have to not forget that personal thing. Like I think so many people think business finances is like it's own separate thing. And then there's personal finances, but it's also intertwined because Your money stories are those beliefs that we were brought up around money. So for [00:13:30] me, when it comes in, when it goes out, but you just don't talk about it, don't think about it, that directly impacts our ability to make and manage money, both in our personal life and our business, because those are the money beliefs that we're holding onto.


[00:14:10] Emilie Nutley: And if you. Have those money beliefs as well. Like my mom taught me, which is, you know, when you have more money, like that's greedy and selfish. And I think, especially as women, that's what we are socialized to believe. Like, you know, it's rude to talk about money. It's greedy to want more money. If [00:14:30] we believe those things, then that is how we are going to treat money in our business.


[00:15:04] Emilie Nutley: And it's like how, Those are the bigger questions, right? How could you be an ethical billionaire? Plot twist. Well, you can't, but you can be an ethical business owner. And one thing I think a lot of us don't think about is having less money doesn't help anyone. So if you're worried about whether or not you're being ethical or not, undercharging isn't helping anyone.


[00:15:51] Emilie Nutley: You can make sure that you earn enough money to be your best self, to have that safety around money. And also then you can [00:16:00] help your clients better because you'd be able to run your business better. And also, because you have more money, you can then give to causes that are important to you. So, big takeaway for everyone listening, having less money doesn't help anyone, so charge appropriately.


[00:16:47] Leanne: For example, like a lot of people aren't willing to spend anything on growing their business. They're downloading all the freebies, getting all the free stuff, but when it comes to are they willing to [00:17:00] invest in their business with the full trust that they're gonna make a return on that investment? Not many people will.


[00:17:35] Leanne: You're not thinking that you're going to make a return on that investment. But for me, I'm thinking, God, come and spend this 150 with Leanne and I'm going to fucking get 10 times that. But so many people are going into thinking about investing in their business and they're not expecting to make any money.


[00:18:11] Leanne: And I've made some huge investments in my business, mega investments, and I've made a return on every single one. And not just a return, like three, four, five, six, like mega, mega, we're talking mega multipliers from investments that I've made. And I think that it's definitely a type of [00:18:30] person who is either going to be like, no, I'm not spending even 20 pounds on that because I'm not going to make any money or people that are like, yeah, it's 5, 000.


[00:18:41] Emilie Nutley: Yeah. It's, my brain goes in two directions. The first is that thing of like, you obviously, and me are coming at it at this, from this point of view of like, we know if we invest in something. Yeah. It's going to pay off, whether numerically, more money by saving time [00:19:00] by, you know, that's how investing kind of works.


[00:19:29] Emilie Nutley: And in [00:19:30] that equals that investing mindset. Actually to be a business owner, you know, you have to spend money to make money. That's how it works when you're a business owner. And it's almost that risk reward. And obviously people have different risk tolerances. If you have such little risk tolerance, there isn't going to be that big reward.


[00:20:27] Emilie Nutley: And I think there's, there's that [00:20:30] fear as well, especially if you have. Limited self belief. If you think you're going to fail, then you're going to fail. That was the kind of second thought process that my brain went to when you're talking about that is it's really interesting that you describe these people as having vision boards, because with a vision board, the whole idea is that you're visualizing what your future self looks like.


[00:21:28] Emilie Nutley: Now, obviously there are [00:21:30] exceptions to the rule sometimes, but generally speaking, the way your brain works is it's just going to seek to affirm what you tell it. So if you tell your brain, this isn't going to work, it's not going to work because your brain is going to actively seek out opportunities to affirm that you're then going to get in that cycle of this isn't working.


[00:22:24] Emilie Nutley: Nowadays, but still what that kind of how that manifests [00:22:30] is, let's say you have, you've had 100 clients and 99 of them have amazing, positive results. You've changed their lives. You get one client who maybe had a bad experience, Didn't put in the work or you weren't the right fit, maybe gives you a bad review.


[00:23:16] Emilie Nutley: And over time, and it is over time, we can't just do it once and forget about it, which is why sometimes vision boards don't work. You can train your brain to be successful because you're just going to put yourself in the positions to [00:23:30] Meet that success if you believe in it. Hell yes.


[00:23:35] Leanne: And when you are building a business. It's scary as hell, isn't it? And at every opportunity, your brain will want to put the brakes on and it will look for evidence that, oh, this isn't working, or you didn't get any likes on that reel, or no one's booking a discovery call. That means you should quit. It will be looking for evidence for you to quit and go back to doing what you were doing before in your uncomfortable comfort zone.[00:24:00]


[00:24:23] Leanne: Emily, what are some of your favorite thoughts to think about money?


[00:24:44] Emilie Nutley: I know, my favourite one, I think, obviously I can't remember off the top of my head, but it is along the lines of the more joy I have, the more money I make. And I really like this idea of, like, making money can [00:25:00] be fun and joyful, it doesn't need to be, I feel like we have this idea of making money as like, Being sat in front of a computer wearing a suit and typing away for hours.


[00:25:35] Emilie Nutley: specifically for them. And because we tailor them and make them like really specific to their wants, needs, goals, values, like everyone that uses them say that like it completely changes their life, even though they were skeptical. In the first place, which so was I.


[00:26:01] Leanne: You might hear that, listeners, and you might be like, Oh no, that's not comfortable for me. But try and take that one on. When you believe your own hype, you make more money. And hell yes to women making more money because the world would be such a different place if money was in the hands of more female founders like us, who like we want to create a ripple effect of positive change.


[00:26:44] Leanne: Like what are the things that our listeners could do?


[00:27:07] Emilie Nutley: I have to work hard for money. You know, I have to exchange more of my time to make more money. Wanting more money is selfish. All of those kinds of things, write them down on a list. Then what are you going to do? So you're going to go through and you're going to imagine you're standing in a court of law and you're going to essentially [00:27:30] tell this, it's visualisation game, but imagine you're telling this belief to a judge.


[00:28:03] Emilie Nutley: And those beliefs that you write down, those are what you use as affirmations.


[00:28:10] Emilie Nutley: yeah, it's good, isn't it? The second task that I would do is write a letter to money. So imagine that money is a person. And just write a letter to money as if you're, you're talking to them, you know, how they make you feel, [00:28:30] how you wish they made you feel.


[00:28:54] Emilie Nutley: So someone, a caregiver, you know, in your upbringing. The other thing that can [00:29:00] happen is another emotion is going to come to the forefront of that letter, and almost like the letter is now to that emotion, so guilt, shame, those sorts of things. What you can do from those two points, if you are able to identify something like that, You can then write a letter, again, to that person or to that emotion, specifically.


[00:29:43] Emilie Nutley: You can come back and do this like every quarter, especially in your business, like how money has served you for that quarter, how you feel about it. It just helps make it more personal, which actually helps you bring out more of the emotions behind it and understand where maybe some of those emotions are coming from.[00:30:00]


[00:30:18] Leanne: The world is full of millions of people. There will be people that want exactly what you're selling, darling. That's fake news. It's not a belief that is going to serve you in your business. So [00:30:30] get rid of it, throw it in the bloody bin because people will want to work with you somewhere. So another thing that I think we need to touch on, Emily, or we'll figure out our mindset.


[00:31:05] Leanne: How would you go about setting up your system so that you can actually match that belief that you've got that money is coming?


[00:31:24] Emilie Nutley: What I want you to kind of do is think about yourself as an employee of [00:31:30] your business in terms of finances. Again, not in mindset, because you are the owner, you're the CEO, but in terms of your finances for making it streamlined is you're treating yourself and as an employee, as an employee. Well, that means is all the money that comes into your business bank account is not yours.


[00:32:09] Emilie Nutley: And again, you can do this with your personal finances as well. So think about with a business account, you might have a tax pot or a tax savings account set up. That's 20 percent of every single thing that comes into your business goes into there. I like to have a owner's pay pot because for me at this point in my business, making sure I can pay myself is one of the [00:32:30] most important things.


[00:32:52] Emilie Nutley: I've got like a save it business savings for building up kind of like business reserves and investments. And then [00:33:00] whatever's left is like that pays the running expenses. So I'm going to talk a little bit about the basics of running my business. That depending on the bank account you're using can be automated.


[00:33:27] Emilie Nutley: You can manage your personal money. Okay. [00:33:30] Separately, you can go on all your holidays, you can do your own investments, you can do your own savings goals, you can buy that house, you can treat your dog to a lovely grooming session. You can achieve all those things by just making sure that your finances are built up to achieve them.


[00:33:56] Leanne: We've got to do it. Even before you've made any money in your [00:34:00] business, you can open a business bank account, right? Like it doesn't cost a lot. I know that when I set up mine, mine was like free for the first year anyway. Like you can set this up and guess what?


[00:34:31] Leanne: Do what Emily said, and it will make such a difference. You're not going to feel stuck. You're going to be set up to actually bring clients in and make more money. And that's what we want, isn't it? Big yes. Emily, please tell us what you've got going on in your business right now. I know there's going to be loads of people listening that are like, right, I need more Emily time.


[00:35:01] Emilie Nutley: So at the moment I am launching a money coaching program for business owners. So this is for self employed solo business owners that, I guess, want to do all the things that we've talked about in this episode.


[00:35:35] Emilie Nutley: What do we need to change? I'm working on rewriting those. So that's called Cash Flow Confident. That's currently in launch, which will be in 23rd of May. I don't know when this podcast is coming out, but.


[00:35:49] Emilie Nutley: There you go. Well, you've got a chance to go and look at it.


[00:36:12] Emilie Nutley: And there is stuff coming out later in the year. So if maybe you feel like you've got the start of your money journey sorted, you know, You're not overspending, maybe you're paying off your debt and you're ready for that next [00:36:30] step. Then in late summer, I will be releasing a mastermind called Bloom, and that is all about blooming your wealth.


[00:36:46] Leanne: I'm very excited about that mastermind. Tell me what Bloom stands for, because I'm, I'm loving this title.


[00:37:04] Leanne: Hell yes.


[00:37:11] Leanne: Who doesn't want to do that? You could do Cashflow Confident now and then do the Mastermind Bloom in September. It's a perfect combo, right?


[00:37:33] Emilie Nutley: Hell yes.


[00:37:56] Leanne: com if you want the show notes, and if you are ready to build your rock [00:38:00] star coaching business sooner rather than later, come and do my one, darling. Just drop me a DM and we will rendezvous.

Show artwork for Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business

About the Podcast

Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business
Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business is the podcast for ambitious female coaches who are ready to step into their BIG DEAL ENERGY and create the impact, income, and freedom that is on their vision board. Hosted by Leanne Sia, Business Coach and Hype Woman, this show is your go-to resource for a power boost of confidence and the honest truth about how you can get your coaching business booming. Too often, coaches get their qualifications but struggle to get their business off the ground. Well, it's time to change that! In this podcast, Leanne spills all her secrets on how she got fully booked in a super difficult niche, and she sits down with other rockstar coaches who have successfully built their businesses from scratch, uncovering the real strategies they used to attract consistent clients and hit the coaching holy grail of 5k, 10k months, and even six and seven-figure milestones. Prepare yourself for unfiltered conversations where nothing is off-limits. Leanne delivers high vibes, truth bombs, and yes - a fair share of f-bombs. So if you're not a fan of swearing... well, this might not be the podcast for you. No hard feelings! New episodes will be dropping bi-weekly make sure you subscribe and enable notifications so you never miss an episode! It's time to step into your BIG DEAL ENERGY and build that rockstar coaching business you deserve. Are you ready? You're in the right place.

You can connect with Leanne on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/_leannesia_ .
To work with Leanne head over to https://www.leannesia.com.

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Leanne Sia