Episode 5

Published on:

13th Mar 2024

How to Turn Your Niche Drama into a Niche Breakthrough

Are you entangled in the web of niche drama? It's time to cut through the confusion and turn your niche nightmares into a niche breakthrough. So, if you're holding back because you're not quite sure who you're speaking to, this episode is for you!

Today, I'll dive deep into the exact questions I ask my clients to pull them out of the niche quicksand. Plus, I’ll include one of my very favorite visualisations that I normally save only for my VIP clients! So even if you believe your niche is clear, I challenge you to join me and reaffirm that you're on the right path to drawing the right people into your orbit.

By the end of the episode, you'll have the tools to step into your big-deal energy and bridge the gap between being a qualified coach and creating the impact and income you're destined to make. So, are you ready to transform your niche drama into your power story? Listen in and let's make it happen together!

Topics covered on How to Turn Your Niche Drama into a Niche Breakthrough:

  1. Are you feeling stuck with 'niche drama' and unsure how to attract the right clients?
  2. What are the exact questions I use to help my clients break through their niche drama?
  3. A simple visualisation exercise that can transform your perspective on your niche and your coaching business.
  4. What's the secret to committing to your niche and promoting your coaching services with confidence?

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"It's time to step into your big deal energy and share your magic with the world. Because you're not selling crack cocaine, darling. You're selling something that changes the world for the better." - Leanne Sia


[00:00:21] Let's do this. Hello, my darling, and welcome to episode five of the Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business podcast. In this episode, I'm going to be talking all about niche drama and how you can turn your niche drama into a niche breakthrough. So if you're stuck in niche drama right now and it's stopping you from putting yourself out there, you must listen to this episode.


[00:00:57] Okay. And because I'm all about giving you everything that I can to get your coaching business booming, I'm not only including those juicy questions in this episode, I'm also going to include one of my very favorite visualizations that I normally save only for my VIP clients. Just to make sure that when it comes to their niche, they're playing big and not staying small.


[00:01:36] Feeling like this can trigger huge amounts of self doubt around you, your offer, and your messaging. And you can get stuck in a loop of tweaking, then doubting, then tweaking, then doubting, etc, etc. You can actually get stuck in this loop for weeks or even months. You feel like nailing the niche is the key to bringing clients in.


[00:02:21] And I'm like, honey, come and talk to me and I'll figure it out with you. I've been business coaching for one and a half years now, and there isn't one coach who has come to me stuck in the swamps of niche drama that I haven't been able to help. It's almost like that's my claim to fame. Hello, I'm Leanne Sia, a business coach, hype woman, and slayer of niche drama.


[00:03:02] I even coined this new term, it was guilt a holic because that's what I felt like I was. I felt guilty about everything. And my niche at the time was something like, I'm a life coach for mums who want to let go of the guilt and feel good. I put that out there and I literally heard crickets. It didn't resonate with anyone.


[00:03:40] So letting go of the guilt was not on their radar. So basically, I dropped that whole guilt piece and focused on helping mums get out of survival mode so that they can win at mum life. And when I changed that niche, I tweaked it a little bit to focus on what they actually wanted and what they were talking about.


[00:04:15] Because it's scary as hell to your inner critic, and your inner critic has absolutely zero regard for how much joy and fulfilment you will actually get out of having a coach and business. All it wants to focus on is you not doing the scary stuff and getting out of your uncomfortable comfort zone. So making you unsure of your niche has literally made you put the brakes on your business.


[00:04:54] You blame not being clear on your niche as the reason behind your business not being seen when in actual fact it's you hiding because you don't feel confident in your niche that is cock blocking your business babes. That being said, I know how important it is to you to have a niche, to have it clear in your head what you do and who you help.


[00:05:32] Here we go. Question one, darling. Who do you deeply, deeply care about helping, and what is it that you want to help them with? Or, if you like a bit of swearing, that gets your juices flowing, Who do you deeply give a shit about helping, and what do you want to help them with? Question 2 is I am most probably my ideal client.


[00:06:24] And here's question three. If there was a long line of 100 people desperate to work with me, so imagine yourself like looking out of the window here you're in your gorgeous office, there's literally a line of people waiting to work with you, they've all got the money to pay up front, but you could only take 10 people, what would those 10 people have in common?


[00:07:13] Question 4 darling. Who have I enjoyed working with the most? And what was the transformation that I helped them to achieve? Question number 5 here. If I was to explain Who I work with and what I help them be, do or have, in very simple terms. And I want you to imagine that you are saying this to a 10 year old.


[00:08:06] And would I have spent money on this? We have to ask ourself that question before we go any further down the line. Be honest, would you have spent money on this? Because the chances are if you wouldn't have spent money on this, it's going to be hard for you to put yourself out there and ask other people to spend money on it.


[00:08:52] And let's do the visualization. Which is going to make sure that you are playing big when it comes to this [00:09:00] niche. And by playing big, I mean, you feel stretchy that you maybe feel like, Oh, can I really do that? Yes, babes, you can. And that's where we're going. That's why you're listening to this podcast, because you want a rockstar coaching business.


[00:09:21] It's time to step into a visualization. That's all about unleashing your big deal energy. So close your eyes and take a deep, empowering breath. Roll your shoulders a few times. And let yourself relax into this moment of transformation.


[00:10:10] Inhale deeply and catch the scent of your favorite candle burning softly in the room. It's a fragrance that empowers you and fills you with confidence and reminds you of just how far you've come. On your desk, you see the latest edition of your favorite magazine. It's glossy and feels weighty in your hands.


[00:11:00] But the overall feeling is huge excitement. You turn the pages, slowly savouring this moment. And as you reach page number 11, you open it to find a large, vibrant photograph of you. You look confident, successful, and genuinely happy. Next to the photo, your name stands out in bold letters. The paragraph beside it details your phenomenal journey over the past year.


[00:11:50] See these words on the page describing your hard work, your dedication, and your impact on the lives of so many people. [00:12:00] Allow yourself to really feel the emotions that are bubbling up. Pride. Joy. A sense of purpose. This isn't just a dream, my love. It's a preview of what's to come, thanks to your resilience, your dedication, and your unapologetic brilliance.


[00:12:52] What were your achievements? What were their achievements? What impact have you made? And who is the coach that you've become? Because darling, this is your story. This is your future. And it is waiting for you to make it real. Are you ready to start writing your success?


[00:13:40] And if you want help doing this, you know where I am, babes. If you love the podcast, please subscribe, leave a review and share. You're so close to having a rockstar coaching business. So it's time to step into your big deal energy and share your magic with the world. Because you're not selling crack cocaine, darling.


[00:14:20] Just drop me a DM and we will rendezvous.

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About the Podcast

Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business
Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business is the podcast for ambitious female coaches who are ready to step into their BIG DEAL ENERGY and create the impact, income, and freedom that is on their vision board. Hosted by Leanne Sia, Business Coach and Hype Woman, this show is your go-to resource for a power boost of confidence and the honest truth about how you can get your coaching business booming. Too often, coaches get their qualifications but struggle to get their business off the ground. Well, it's time to change that! In this podcast, Leanne spills all her secrets on how she got fully booked in a super difficult niche, and she sits down with other rockstar coaches who have successfully built their businesses from scratch, uncovering the real strategies they used to attract consistent clients and hit the coaching holy grail of 5k, 10k months, and even six and seven-figure milestones. Prepare yourself for unfiltered conversations where nothing is off-limits. Leanne delivers high vibes, truth bombs, and yes - a fair share of f-bombs. So if you're not a fan of swearing... well, this might not be the podcast for you. No hard feelings! New episodes will be dropping bi-weekly make sure you subscribe and enable notifications so you never miss an episode! It's time to step into your BIG DEAL ENERGY and build that rockstar coaching business you deserve. Are you ready? You're in the right place.

You can connect with Leanne on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/_leannesia_ .
To work with Leanne head over to https://www.leannesia.com.

About your host

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Leanne Sia