Episode 12

Published on:

20th Jun 2024

Find Your Marketing Magic & Grow Your Coaching Business with Lizzie Moult

Are you ready to finally turn your coaching business from a dream into a rockstar reality? Dive into today's episode where I sit down with the phenomenal Lizzie Moult. Lizzie's journey from fresh-faced coach to hosting sold-out events and celebrating £30k months is nothing short of inspiring. She spills the secrets on building a thriving coaching business, mastering self-trust, and creating a life filled with magic and wonder.

During our interview, you'll discover how to craft an irresistible elevator pitch, connect with potential clients in the most unexpected places, and why your inner critic might just be feeding you fake news that holds you back from your success. Plus, Lizzie shares her go-to book for success and the power song that fuels her big-deal energy. So if you're serious about making waves in the coaching world, this episode is your not-to-be-missed blueprint for success. Tune in and let's make your coaching business shine!

More about Lizzie Moult:

Lizzie Moult is a Holistic C​ognitive behavioural therapist, Soul Guide and Marketing Genius. Her mission is to educate people ​on how to trust themselves in order to live a life full of magic and wonder. ​she is the host of the five-star rated podcast Choosing Change which discusses how to create a more fulfilling life one step at a time. ​she is Dedicated to the journey of self-exploration, ​and is an expressive down to earth soul who leads with heart and expands the mind. After healing her own stories, beliefs and patterns that kept her feeling small, stuck, and prioritising everyone else. Lizzie is a radiant example of how you can turn your life around, break the rules, and create a life you love.  

Topics covered on Find Your Marketing Magic & Grow Your Coaching Business with Lizzie Moult :

  1. How did Lizzie go from being a brand-new coach with zero clients to hosting sold-out events and hitting a £30k month in her coaching business?
  2. The common fears and challenges that new coaches face after finishing coaching school. How did Lizzie navigate these obstacles?
  3. Tips on how to craft a compelling elevator pitch and confidently share what you do with others.
  4. Real-life stories of how networking can lead to unexpected opportunities and new clients!
  5. How to identify and leverage your unique marketing strengths to grow your coaching business.
  6. What were Lizzie's low points in her coaching business, and how did she turn these experiences into learning opportunities?

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Connect with Lizzie Moult:

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“Sometimes you need to go slow, in order to grow.” - Lizzie Moult


[00:00:21] Let's do this.


[00:00:48] She's now on a mission to educate people on how to trust themselves in order to live a life full of magic and wonder. She's the host of the five star rated podcast, Choosing Change. She's dedicated to the journey of self exploration [00:01:00] and is an expressive, down to earth soul who leads with heart and expands the mind.


[00:01:19] Lizzie, thank you so much for being here today. You are an amazing coach, you are an amazing human, and you have been my personal wingwoman, I [00:01:30] would say, for the past two years, is that right?


[00:01:38] That first time that I met you, because I was like, that girl there, I want a piece of her, because you, like, we're on the same wavelength.


[00:01:52] It was fab. And we made you climb up this crazy mountain, which I obviously got totally bad directions for, but we did [00:02:00] something really crazy and it was so good.


[00:02:04] We have, we have, I love you so much and I'm so pleased that you are. Here on my podcast, Lizzie, we are going to talk today about your journey from zero to consistent clients. And we might even go towards like high ticket months. I know you've had those as well.


[00:02:51] Oh, the highlights. I've had the pleasure of working with some pretty incredible people and some of it's been through like running [00:03:00] events. Um, I've had the Duffield Thomas, Lisa Messenger, and a few other fantastic, wonderful. in person human beings that have like blown my mind, but I've also had the, the pleasure of having a 30k month that I still blows me away that I made so much money, I think it was in four days and that was from running an event and I was just like, holy shit, we're swearing, of course we are, it's you.


[00:03:55] I've now got a, someone who's published a book with my names in it. I'm like, [00:04:00] what? Amazing. I got, like, thank yous from people who have helped set up, like, their products and, like, we've refined it and now, like, they're selling on autopilot on Etsy because, like, they're the number one seller. Like, it's insane.


[00:04:20] That is a highlight, right? If you're a coach, then you're here to help other people be their best selves, basically.


[00:04:28] That's the job.


[00:04:39] And every now and again, they're just like, guess what happened? And I'm like, yes, I'm like, I'm still celebrating successes from that very first moment of when they decided to invest in themselves and invest in their business. And yeah, finding a good coach that stays with you for like the long haul, even though, you know, we're no longer, they're no longer my client, but I'm still rooting for what they are [00:05:00] doing.


[00:05:01] believe in. So Lizzie, you've had a lot of highlights. Let's talk about the lowlights. Okay, let's talk about, maybe, it's, I feel like it's not talked about enough, is that gap between getting out of coach school, and Lizzie and I both went to the same coach school, which is I went to Exciting.


[00:05:42] How did that happen?


[00:06:06] And it didn't work. I've had flops with my launches. I've,


[00:06:30] So that was like an extreme low light. That's pretty much my most biggest pivotal moment. Cause I was like, I'm going to invest in doing business like events now because I love them so much, but it just went. Like that.


[00:06:46] things did during COVID, right? Everything turned upside down after that. And yeah, so like, I've kind of fine tuned what I offer now and how I work because I'm like, dude, I don't want to.


[00:07:16] Ooh. You know, like those moments where like, I'm pushing, I'm pushing, I'm pushing. And I'm like, of course it's going to fail. Right. Cause I was in this fail mindset. Like I already believed it was going to fail. Like I worked hard to it for, so it could fail. I did [00:07:30] that often because I thought I had to be something that wasn't me.


[00:07:51] doesn't it? It happens for you like that. It does. There's a gap. Okay. Right. We need to fill it. Let's do it.


[00:08:07] my first client in? So, I have to admit, like, a lot of the first few clients that I did were pro


[00:08:15] They are! That's, I think that's a great model. We've got a We've got to prove to ourselves that we can get results. I think that's an awesome thing to do.


[00:08:34] Like I knew how to market, I knew how to grow my email list. And I knew that that was important from day one. Of starting my coaching business. So I created opt ins, I created funnels. I had a great website. Like I knew how to present everything really great. So. The problem was though, like I was moving from one market to another.


[00:09:11] Cool. So pivoting, went into the marketing and then I gave a few sessions away just to test. Because the thing is, everyone wanted to know how to blog. Everyone wanted to know how to grow their email list. And they wanted to know how come I was in all the newspapers, all the magazines, all the awards for like my food and [00:09:30] travel stuff.


[00:09:55] I was so embarrassed. Why do you think you were embarrassed? [00:10:00] Um, because it was such a different change to what I was doing. I'm such a foodie and I love to travel. So to tell someone like I'm a food and travel writer and blogger. It was no problems because I was living and breathing that. But when you're in the beginning of like your coaching business, you don't want to tell someone, Hey, I'm a coach and this is what I do.


[00:10:22] feels cringey, doesn't it? And we can spend months in that cringe. Oh


[00:10:42] Now from someone who's a blogger, i. e. writing, I'm a writer and I love photography, to go into video, I remember like waiting for people's like little, like you'd see like the little number, like you've got two people joining you live and you'd be like, Oh my God, someone's actually looking at me and they can't, like, I just, I know, [00:11:00] I remember sitting in my, like the office, I was in Mullumbimby in Australia.


[00:11:22] I was now a new person. I was a different person to Liz, the food and travel writer. I was now, Liz, I'm going to be [00:11:30] offering marketing and social media and how to be visible and how to storytell. I didn't think that I was qualified still that I'd. Like people were asking how I did it, but I still didn't believe I was qualified.


[00:12:03] And also say, and if this isn't your bag, that's fine. Like I wish you all the best and I'll see you around. But I think coming out of the coaching closet is so fundamental to actually. Starting to embody that actual woman who was going to get your business off the ground.


[00:12:22] So when you said that, I was just like, the first email that I sent, that I was now be going to be doing business mentoring to my [00:12:30] previous audience. Now, once again, I shifted, right? Like I was taking them with them on the journey. Cause I thought some would stick around. I went from, I think it was 3000 people on my email list to 720.


[00:13:02] That would have felt scary. But in reality, that's good that you got rid of all the people that weren't gonna ever pay attention to you anymore anyway.


[00:13:13] Yeah, and that's exactly it. So, you know, I did that, but then I knew that the right people were following me in the same sense. So I was doing those weekly lives and that was like a part of the first thing that I did. And then I finally got the courage to run some workshops in my local area.


[00:13:56] Like, I love people who hand make their products and [00:14:00] these are the ones that were struggling because when they start this invested so much in creating the actual product. To then go online and then show up again, like, oh, it's like, oh, but I don't want to show my face, but I'm like, you have to, like, it's storytelling.


[00:14:32] Wow. And was this in person? It was an in person event and I sold out 15 spaces via posters. In the town in which I lived.


[00:14:49] Yes. So I plastered this town with 20 posters and I got 15 people to a workshop. Wow.


[00:15:02] I think it was two actually. Awesome.


[00:15:23] This is Liz style. A bit of meditation before we like, you know. Think about what we actually want to achieve [00:15:30] and stuff like that. So I think it was two that came in from that one. And that was like early days, really, really early days. But I gave a lot of information out for free through blogs and live on Facebook, the Cringy Lives.


[00:15:56] So from my food and travel days, I used to teach people [00:16:00] about gardening stuff as well, and cooking, like basic cooking, like how to make sourdough and how to plant a tomato and not kill it.


[00:16:25] It's easier than, I don't know, I'm trying to think of an [00:16:30] example because I also love really, I love Facebook ads. I'm a Facebook ad person.


[00:16:42] No, no, no. And at the beginning, now I've got a background with Facebook ads though, from prior, so I knew how to spend money on ads with the minimum outlay.


[00:17:11] that were selling products might've had a brick and mortar stall, you know, like, and it worked.


[00:17:31] That is like, Mega, isn't it? It's mega stretchy the first couple of times you do it and then it becomes so much easier.


[00:17:56] That's when you can make magic because not everyone's great at making [00:18:00] reels. Not everyone's great at like their Instagram stories. You can practice and become better. Absolutely. But sometimes we're naturally skilled at something and being in person with people, like my husband, oh, it must've been like about eight years ago, he told me that.


[00:18:37] So he was clearly very observational then, Lizzie, yes?


[00:18:57] You know, like, and it's funny, I started a [00:19:00] podcast fast forward from that event, probably a year and a half, because I'm scared of microphones. I can talk in front of people without microphones back then. And so I got a microphone and podcasted so I would get over using a microphone.


[00:19:19] So that it's not uncomfortable anymore.


[00:19:37] What's that about? I finally did it. And now I have this challenge every day where I'm like, I have to do five before midday. It makes me do it, but I've gotten so much better at it than what I used to be previously because I'm like, Oh, look, there's like a picture of a spider. Cause I was in Australia and everyone loves my spider pictures and rainforest pictures and all the things.


[00:20:17] That is who I am. But yes, you have to lean into the stuff.


[00:20:31] Yeah. I've got a background as a writer. So as you know, Leanne, like me and words, we're best mates.


[00:20:41] you are.


[00:21:03] So I think everyone has like an ability. In the marketing realm that works for them. They've just got to figure out what their super ninja skills are. So for me, I'm totally people person. So I need tangible people to like squish and stuff. Like, but then the writing side of things, like that's my polar opposite.


[00:21:45] What I've noticed though, with a lot of the coaches that come to me at the beginning of their journey is that they don't feel like they're good at anything. They put a lot of labels on themselves. Like I'm not creative. I'm not good on video. I'm [00:22:00] not good at writing emails. There's a lot of labels that are actually.


[00:22:18] Well, my question is, is like, how do you know? It's funny cause like I've got two small kids and it's forever my question.


[00:22:35] And it's like, Oh, well, I was shit at it. Like in first grade, it's all these old labels that we need to let go off so that we can stop struggling building our businesses.


[00:23:09] Yeah. Whatever your like coach, like wellness, empowerment, confidence, whatever it is, like you have to be that.


[00:23:20] Right? Me and embodiment as well. Like we're also good friends. So if you can be that, you need to show others that you are that. So in order to do that, [00:23:30] what's the best vehicle for you to do that?


[00:23:58] Now I've installed [00:24:00] Grammarly on my computer and sometimes it messes up too.


[00:24:31] I did them for three months. Yeah, I grew my audience maybe a little bit, but at the end of the day, I was still cringey because that's not necessarily me. But that's because I knew that writing was the strongest like thing for me at that time, as opposed to showing up on video. But I had to try it,


[00:24:52] We've gotta try. We've gotta try. And also, like, don't be afraid to be a bit gung ho about it and be [00:25:00] like, I don't know how to do it, and it feels stretchy right now, but you know what, I'm gonna get over it. Oh man, that first Facebook Live. We all start somewhere, and I think when we're in the, Realm of social media, and we see everyone looking so slick, it's really easy to think I'm not even going to bother because I'm never, ever going to be at that level, but everyone starts somewhere.


[00:25:25] for


[00:25:48] So be that person that they're like, Oh, wow, she's done like a live after her run. Like that's me these days. Um, you know, because that's what your clients [00:26:00] want to be doing. So do it, be that in


[00:26:14] It can't be the same person. Yeah.


[00:26:36] But yeah, you have to keep evolving. Like that girl who started back in five years ago. My offers have changed. I've flip flopped. I'm going to use that word. I've pivoted and scrapped, come up with new ideas, probably like at least 50 times in the last five years, because I'm constantly fine tuning and listening to [00:27:00] what my ideal clients want, but still not, now me and Leanne, we have some fun conversations around this.


[00:27:30] Yeah. So Lizzie, one thing I love to talk about is the inner critic. We all have it, We all have one. It doesn't want us to build a business. It wants us to stay on the sofa watching Netflix. Can you tell us a little bit about what your inner critic used to say to you when you were considering putting yourself out there?


[00:28:21] No matter what you try, you're still not going to get there. Now, my inner critic is scared of failure because I've got high expectations [00:28:30] and ones that I used to be enemies with, but now no longer are, and that kind of comes back to comparison, like looking at someone's journey who was five years ahead of where I was.


[00:29:09] And That's also really stretchy for me because I'm a go, go, go person. Like I can, yeah, pull a launch out in apparently two days. You can't, I've seen you do it. So sometimes it's okay. Like, I guess this inner critic that wants to tear you down, but it's putting it in its place, right, [00:29:30] Leanne? Like, and. Saying and overriding like, and identifying what your inner critic is tearing you down about.


[00:30:03] I don't know. I stick to like, I'm a creator and that's what I'm here to do. So when I used to go through Instagram and get that whole comparisonitis and, you know, see people who were having the life. Yeah. I was just, I was never going to be that. And I wish that I was. And it's funny, like I've had some great milestones in those moments and I'm sure people looked at me that way as well.


[00:30:30] Yeah. It's awareness. Awareness is, I think, the key. To turning the volume down on that inner critic, being aware that it's fake news. Like the thing that it's going on and on about in your head on the daily, it's fake news. You can choose whether or not you want to believe that.


[00:31:02] Yes, I'm a hundred percent. My awareness came when I finally got back into my body after comparing myself mentally to others for years.


[00:31:32] Wow. Lizzie, so what advice would you give to coaches that feel like giving up on their business?


[00:32:04] It's that simple. Like, it is so simple. Like, it's just a choice. And that's your


[00:32:26] I'm going to say two things. Number one, your elevator pitch. I want [00:32:30] you to read that to yourself every single day until you believe it. Because number two is I want you to tell everybody what it is you actually do. Because my power is people and I think we all have this power. You will know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who actually needs your services.


[00:33:14] I don't want to even talk to anyone. I'm like, dude, I go into markets. My post office lady knew what I did. The dude who I bought meat from, like even here now, like every single person knows what I do because I've perfected my elevator pitch and they refer [00:33:30] people to me because they know what I do. Now, the lady that I asked her to do this, I'm like, just for one day out of your comfort zone, she went to a market that she goes to every single time.


[00:34:13] Go and tell the lady at the library, go and tell the dude who makes you coffee every morning.


[00:34:20] There's power through connection.


[00:34:33] It's not about Instagram.


[00:35:02] And I'm going to also say this, if you're in the beginning. People are watching you now that will reach out from like within two years time. Sometimes it takes them that long to find their own courage to reach out to you. And I'm going to tell you that because I know that for a fact, it's happened to me several times.


[00:35:32] Yeah. And also you will get clients out of the blue as well. So maybe if you're having a shit day and you think, and wow, I haven't, I've just heard crickets for the past three months.


[00:36:05] But it's also, it's believing in yourself, right? So as much as you, that's the thing, like that elevator pitch, you have to believe because the magic will happen when it needs to. And it is a slow process at the beginning because we're all finding our feet. You're still working it out. So just be in that.


[00:36:38] drops. Right. Yeah. Lizzie, I've got a couple of questions before we finish.


[00:36:51] I wondered if I actually brought it over cause I was like, I wonder. So I'm holding it up right now. It's called The Prosperous Coach by Steve Chandler and Rich [00:37:00] Livin. Litvin, I'm not sure how to pronounce that one. Rich Litvin. This book is pretty much what I started with because it's the power of connection.


[00:37:27] Amazing. And the second question is. [00:37:30] What is your power song? So when you want to get into your big deal energy, Lizzie, what song would you be putting on your turntable?


[00:37:52] It's something, she's very Lizzo sounding, but it's called Big Energy.


[00:37:59] And it [00:38:00] literally is like, oh, unless it is Lizzo, but it's all about getting to your big deal energy and like, don't fuck with me. And it's really like, I just want to bump and grind like 90s Salt N Pepa song.


[00:38:15] love a bit of Salt N Pepa.


[00:38:27] Yeah, I will add it to the show notes. Lizzie, [00:38:30] you are incredible. I love being in your energy.


[00:38:44] Thank you so much for having me, Leanne. And straight back at you, girlfriend. You are just confidence, rockstar, celebrate everyone, women's vibes, and I love you. So thank you.


[00:39:01] Come and say hello to me on Instagram at underscore Leanne Sia underscore. Head to leannesia. com if you want the show notes and if you are ready to build your rock star coaching business sooner rather than later, come and buy one darling. Just drop me a DM and we will rendezvous.

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About the Podcast

Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business
Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business is the podcast for ambitious female coaches who are ready to step into their BIG DEAL ENERGY and create the impact, income, and freedom that is on their vision board. Hosted by Leanne Sia, Business Coach and Hype Woman, this show is your go-to resource for a power boost of confidence and the honest truth about how you can get your coaching business booming. Too often, coaches get their qualifications but struggle to get their business off the ground. Well, it's time to change that! In this podcast, Leanne spills all her secrets on how she got fully booked in a super difficult niche, and she sits down with other rockstar coaches who have successfully built their businesses from scratch, uncovering the real strategies they used to attract consistent clients and hit the coaching holy grail of 5k, 10k months, and even six and seven-figure milestones. Prepare yourself for unfiltered conversations where nothing is off-limits. Leanne delivers high vibes, truth bombs, and yes - a fair share of f-bombs. So if you're not a fan of swearing... well, this might not be the podcast for you. No hard feelings! New episodes will be dropping bi-weekly make sure you subscribe and enable notifications so you never miss an episode! It's time to step into your BIG DEAL ENERGY and build that rockstar coaching business you deserve. Are you ready? You're in the right place.

You can connect with Leanne on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/_leannesia_ .
To work with Leanne head over to https://www.leannesia.com.

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Leanne Sia